Setting: Esther’s story occurs during the rule of the Persian Empire (559 BC-330 BC) approximately:
- 50 years after the decree of Cyrus in 538 BC announcing that exiled Jews could return to Jerusalem (Ezra 1);
- 40 years after the temple was rebuilt; and
- 30 years before the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem, which is detailed in the book of Nehemiah. [See Halley's Bible Handbook.]
It is helpful to read Ezra, Esther, and Nehemiah
as a unit to get the feel for the unfolding of momentous historical events during this period of time.
Timeline (Archaeological Study Bible, Esther, p 714):
586 BC Fall of Jerusalem
539 BC Persia’s conquest of Babylon
538 BC First return of exiles to Jerusalem
486-465 BC Xerxes’ reign in Persia
479 BC Esther’s reign in Persia
458 BC Ezra to Jerusalem
445 BC Nehemiah to Jerusalem
445 BC Jerusalem’s wall rebuilt